Welcome to Project BUG - Build Up Guwahati Blog.

Come in the evening, come in the morning, Come when expected, come without warning; Thousands of welcomes you'll find here before you, And the oftener you come, the more we'll adore you. - Irish Rhyme.



Thursday, June 9, 2011

ANODYNE - A Pain Management Workshop.

A noble initiative by Bahar Care Foundation in association with Indian Society for Study of Pain.
Project BUG - Build Up Guwahati supports ANODYNE for its success in eradicating pain of individuals & helping thousands in fighting it. 
The initiative is also being promoted by Guwahaticity.com 

We urge everyone specially the doctors to be a part of this workshop at GMCH auditorium on 15th June, 2011. The workshops aims at :

Some of the best known personalities related to the field will be present on the occasion of ANODYNE.

The Schedule of the Event are as folllows - 

We urge everyone to be a part of it & help in setting up a milestone in the Health sector.
Join hands in the build up of Guwahati. As we also try to do the same .. But after all its a team effort ..
Hope to see you there on 15th June at 13:00 hrs .. Dont miss it !
Stay tuned for further updates .. 

Sunday, January 30, 2011

From the Real Time Field Survey Part I

On 26th January, 2011 - on the eve of the Republic day we went out for a survey of the Kachari Ghat Bazaar, near Rabindra Bhavan. First we surveyed a hotel near by and was shocked to hear that from more then 7 years he used to bring water from his house or else from somewhere. Sanitation facility was also not proper which increases the risk of a non-hygienic atmosphere & that too near a market. Also came to know about land dispute & other problem enveloping the whole of market land.

However the Bazaar Committee has bought & supplied electricity to the stalls but that too for 2 hrs of max./day & charged a monthly amount of Rs 150 from each of the stall. Outside influence & dirty politics have a large role to play in deteriorating the market which once used to be the Hub of fresh vegetables & fish because of geographical location near the Brahmaputra River resulting in quick & cheap waterway transportation.
However we saw a small area under cultivation near the banks of Brahmaputra & some flowering plants nearby.

However people opened up their problems and also some solutions which would help the place to develop at least by having the basic amenities. But its worth mentioning that people agreed to help Govt. or any Body in building up the place but time will perhaps the best judge who is more dedicated in building up the place ..

Our Verdict : ★✩✩✩✩ ( 1 star )

Stay tuned for more updates .. Will try our best to focus on the other prime issues around us.