Welcome to Project BUG - Build Up Guwahati Blog.

Come in the evening, come in the morning, Come when expected, come without warning; Thousands of welcomes you'll find here before you, And the oftener you come, the more we'll adore you. - Irish Rhyme.



Thursday, June 9, 2011

ANODYNE - A Pain Management Workshop.

A noble initiative by Bahar Care Foundation in association with Indian Society for Study of Pain.
Project BUG - Build Up Guwahati supports ANODYNE for its success in eradicating pain of individuals & helping thousands in fighting it. 
The initiative is also being promoted by Guwahaticity.com 

We urge everyone specially the doctors to be a part of this workshop at GMCH auditorium on 15th June, 2011. The workshops aims at :

Some of the best known personalities related to the field will be present on the occasion of ANODYNE.

The Schedule of the Event are as folllows - 

We urge everyone to be a part of it & help in setting up a milestone in the Health sector.
Join hands in the build up of Guwahati. As we also try to do the same .. But after all its a team effort ..
Hope to see you there on 15th June at 13:00 hrs .. Dont miss it !
Stay tuned for further updates ..